Catalina Casorzo

I'd describe my relationship with my mother as caring and respectful.

Over the years, I've enjoyed witnessing our relationship becoming more mature. As we both grew as people, our connection only strengthened. As a daughter, I saw myself shift from rebellious to more understanding and grateful to my mother. For mamá, I think she has become more open with me as I've gotten older. This openness is something I appreciate.

Ironically, my best memory with my mother in Avondale was the day after Cyclone Gabrielle. We wanted coffee, so we decided to visit Browne Street Cafe. We'd parked across from the cafe, and the wind was so strong we could barely cross the road. The wind was gusting through our hair and beating on our skin. In the chaos of it all, we laughed! It was like a sudden break from the stress of the cyclone, and realising we were here together in this moment made it so memorable.

The best lesson my mother has taught me is how to be kind and considerate of others. The biggest lesson she taught me was commitment and always showing up. If there were only three words left in the world that I could say to her, it would be: “I love you”.